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Welcome to XO kids group!

Who are we?

We are a children’s group working with kids from age 3 to age 10. Why "XO"? Meaning of name "XO" is commonly used amongst youth in the Internet communication. “X” means “kiss”, and “O” means hug. The name of the group infers that we teach our kids to show appropriate greetings and expressions of love and care for others. What do we do?

Every week we work with children during the church services on Thursdays and Sundays. During the workshops we enjoy having some juice, fruits and candies. In the time that we have together, we learn about God, we play games and have fun while learning. We also teach children respect, care and showing care and love towards other children and adults.

If you have any questions, please call Magdalena, a XO leader: 00387 60 33 86 491


Address: Rudarska 61, Tuzla

Contact us: +38761906479

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