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Youth event

In June 2021 we organized the first big, seven day event for youth.



Rudari youth group 


New ministry!

Ministry for elderly church members


Mobilna crkva

Odmah nakon proglašenja pandemije koronairusa u Bosni, željeli smo omogućiti duhovni rast ljudi koji iz različitih razloga ne mogu prisustvovati bogoslužjima u crkvenim prostorijama.


Singing lessons

Since early childhood man uses voice practically every day. 

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New Hope Library

Our church has around 200 books in a library. 



Welcome to XO kids group!

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Prayer meetings 

Prayer meetings /House of prayer for all nations

youth camp
Youth event

In June 2021 we organized the first big, seven day event for youth. We like to call this event a “youth camp”. The camp started with a lunch after a Sunday church service. After the lunch we had a presentation of various events that were about to take place. The rest of the day we had organized sports activities in rented school gym near our church.
Every day started with team preparations early in the morning. From 12.00 to 18.00 youth enjoyed in various workshops: Play with your voice, Find a solution and Time machine. On Thursday we had an excursion to a lake Bistarac where we had BBQ, swimming in a lake, games. Since there was a church service on a same day, we participated in Unusual church service that was especially designed for children and youth. Saturday was the last day of the camp where we shared certificates. 
The camp was amazing! It was great experience to see how God changes us and teaches us about cooperation, solving problems, learning how to sing, practicing public speaking skills, overcoming fears… We are impressed with how much God blessed this project and we are already thinking about the next one.

Rudari youth group 

Rudari youth group started with regular meetings in 2020. It is an idea of a place where young people can learn to develop their skills and cooperate on projects. The youth group gathers young adults from age 16 to 30 years old. 
On our meetings we have various activities: games, singing lessons, watching films, making dinner together... We learn about communication skills, how to solve problems, we learn about God through Bible study and we are practicing developing a personal relationship with God. Before we start with a group meeting we have an English lesson where we practice speaking skills. If you would like to join us, please feel free to contact us. On Saturdays at 5PM we have English lessons, at 18:30 we start with other activities.

Ministry for elderly church members

After state of epidemic COVID 19 was declared in Bosnia, many elderly persons were restricted from leaving homes. Those restrictions applied to a large number of elderly persons in our church. With all limiting factors due to restrictions, those church members also suffered from additional health issues. The whole church missed their presence in church services, so the church made sure they would have small church services in their homes. The idea was not only to provide spiritual growth, but also to care for the elderly.

Our team has four persons who visit our elderly church members at least once a week. Such visits look like visiting your grandmother. They overwhelm our team members with joy, hugs and lots of kisses. After a really warm welcome we talk with them to see if they need anything: shopping for food, purchasing medicine, calling relatives... After chatting with them, we have a small church service with Bible study, worship and prayer. Once a month our pastor visits them when they are able to listen to a sermon and have Lord's Supper.

If their health condition becomes worse, our team visits them several times a week. In case of need, we make sure they have a home-visit of a doctor. 

Coordinator of ministry to elderly church members: Sanja Kušljugić

mob curch
Mobilna crkva

Odmah nakon proglašenja pandemije koronairusa u Bosni, željeli smo omogućiti duhovni rast ljudi koji iz različitih razloga ne mogu prisustvovati bogoslužjima u crkvenim prostorijama. Pojavila se ideja redovnog posjećivanja takvih osoba i organiziranja mini-bogoslužja kod njihovih kuća. 
Kako izgleda mobilno bogoslužje? Otprilike kao sastanak na kafi s prijateljem. Na početku uvijek razgovaramo o svakodnevnim događajima u životu Crkve i obiteljskim okolnostima osobe koju posjećujemo, kako bismo se mogli zajedno moliti za tu osobu i u crkvi. Nakon toga se zajedno molimo i čitamo jedan od Biblijskih tekstova. Nakon čitanja teksta slušamo pastorovu snimljenu 10-15 minutnu propovijed koja će se propovijedati i na bogoslužju u crkvi te sedmice. Kasnije pričamo o onome što smo čuli, kako to možemo primijeniti u praksi i pjevamo jednu ili dvije pjesme, te se pomolimo za kraj.
Ako želite da i vas posjetimo jer niste u mogućnosti dolaziti na bogoslužja u crkvi - kontaktirajte nas. Mobilna bogoslužja imamo na bosanskom i engleskom jeziku.

Singing lessons

Since early childhood man uses voice practically every day. Unfortunately, as a result of inobservance or lack of knowledge about functioning of speaking apparatus during development we lose the natural way of speaking, which often leads to voice problems or inappropriate sound. 
During the singing lessons we learn how to make a sound, what is important in the process, how important it is to know how to breathe properly in order to speak /sing with pleasure and make the voice more pleasant to other people. We also learn how to worship God and what it means to worship God with our voice and singing. 
If you notice voice issues after a long time of speaking, or if you have problems with singing low or high keys, or you dislike your voice tone, or if someone just told you that you don’t sing well – join our singing lessons. We will show you have to speak / sing feeling free and to show you that if you have ability to speak, you also have an ability to sing.


 Who are we?
Irci is a youth group meeting in our church at address Krečanska 8A. Our youth group members are mostly 10 - 15 years old.

What do we do?
Irci youth group meets every Tuesday from 5:30PM to 7PM. We like to have fun while enjoying eating snacks and having some juice. On Sundays from 10AM to 2PM after a church service we do homework together and we work on solving school related issues. Throughout a year we go to various excursions in which we learn about beauties and wonders of our planet. 

How does one become part of Irci youth group?
It is enough to know three words: thank you, please, and excuse me and to join us in one of the slots when we usually meet.

New Hope Library

Our church has around 200 books in a library. One can find various testimonies, stories, theology books, as well as books for children and various videos. 
We are happy to recommend something to read, one can choose from easy and light reads to heavy theological discussions. Church members and church services visitors can borrow books on Thursday or Sundays after church services. Persons in charge of library are: Magdalena, Leila and Amira. 
Every month, usually on Fridays, we have a book club. On that day we present and discuss one of the books from our library. Usually we present a book in 45 minutes, and after the presentation book club guests enjoy a light book discussion with coffee and cakes. 
Before leaving, visitors can take a printed hard-copy book sample to read at home. 
You are welcome to visit our library!

Welcome to XO kids group!

Welcome to XO kids group!

Who are we?
We are a children’s group working with kids from age 3 to age 10.

Why "XO"?

Meaning of name "XO" is commonly used amongst youth in the Internet communication. “X” means “kiss”, and “O” means hug. The name of the group infers that we teach our kids to show appropriate greetings and expressions of love and care for others. 

What do we do?

Every week we work with children during the church services on Thursdays and Sundays. During the workshops we enjoy having some juice, fruits and candies. In the time that we have together, we learn about God, we play games and have fun while learning. We also teach children respect, care and showing care and love towards other children and adults. 

If you have any questions, please call Magdalena, a XO leader: 00387 60 33 86 491

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Prayer meetings /House of prayer for all nations

Prayer meetings /House of prayer for all nations
…these I will bring to my holy mountain and give them joy in my house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and sacrifices will be accepted on my altar; for my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations.” (Isaiah 56:7)

Every Wednesday at 18:30 we organize prayer meetings for church members enjoying prayer time with other believers, singing worship songs and studying Bible for few hours without a break. We have a fixed time with starting a meeting, but without limitation for the end of the meetings. Often we end with meetings after 3-4 hours of intercession, singing and studying the Bible.

From the beginning, our church has members from various backgrounds and nationalities and the church is connected with brothers and sisters from other countries and almost all continents. During the prayer meetings we have various ways of connecting with brothers and sisters in various countries, so although we are not praying from the same location, we are praying at the same time from different lcations. This is an amazing time for those who enjoy interceding for other people in prayer and praying for various needs, as well as worshiping for several hours. The meetings are bilingual due to an international audience. 
Coordinator: missionary Tea Deak (+387 61 906479)

Joy of the Lord is my strength
00:00 / 02:19

Address: Rudarska 61, Tuzla

Contact us: +38761906479

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