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Who are we? Irci is a youth group meeting in our church at address Krečanska 8A. Our youth group members are mostly 10 - 15 years old. What do we do? Irci youth group meets every Tuesday from 5:30PM to 7PM. We like to have fun while enjoying eating snacks and having some juice. On Sundays from 10AM to 2PM after a church service we do homework together and we work on solving school related issues. Throughout a year we go to various excursions in which we learn about beauties and wonders of our planet. How does one become part of Irci youth group? It is enough to know three words: thank you, please, and excuse me and to join us in one of the slots when we usually meet.


Rudari youth group started with regular meetings in 2020. It is an idea of a place where young people can learn to develop their skills and cooperate on projects. The youth group gathers young adults from age 16 to 30 years old. On our meetings we have various activities: games, singing lessons, watching films, making dinner together... We learn about communication skills, how to solve problems, we learn about God through Bible study and we are practicing developing a personal relationship with God. Before we start with a group meeting we have an English lesson where we practice speaking skills. If you would like to join us, please feel free to contact us. On Saturdays at 5PM we have English lessons, at 18:30 we start with other activities.

Address: Rudarska 61, Tuzla

Contact us: +38761906479

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